Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 9: Isometric Pull Intervals

Yesterday was a fantastic day and I'm quite proud of the progress I've made in just 1 week's work.  Today was further proof that I have a ways to go to build up great conditioning in my back, bis and abs to beat my goal of 100 pull ups in 100 days.   My priority training day will be the first day in a week period and all other days will be secondary training to support the goal.  On the secondary days, I'd like to keep the intensity lower, the movement less intense yet supportive to my goal and/or shorter training time (excluding the normal 10 minute warm-up).

My focus was isometric (hold) pull ups with a 90 degree bend in the elbows for 30 seconds at a time.   My grip was on the inside, angled out handles on the assist machine.  I'll illustrate how well I did, but I must say, yesterday has left me a wee bit sore in my back today.

Minute 1:  30 seconds off, 30 seconds hold
Minute 2:  30 seconds off, 30 seconds hold
Minute 3:  30 seconds off, 30 seconds hold
Minute 4: off
Minute 5: 30 seconds hold, 30 seconds off
Minute 6: 30 seconds off, 30 seconds hold
Minute 7:  off
Minute 8:  30 seconds hold, 30 seconds off
Minute 9:  off
Minute 10:  30 seconds hold, 30 seconds off
Minute 11:  off
Minute 12:  30 seconds hold, 30 seconds off
Minute 13:  off
Minute 14:  30 seconds hold, 30 seconds off
Minute 15: off

You'll notice that I went into the workout rather ambitious, but began to tire out rather quickly and employ longer rest times.  My last interval took it all out of me and I threw in the towel.

That's it for today.  I'll see you tomorrow when I'll probably focus on some inverted rows to keep the bodyweight pull movement, but not kill my back and bi muscles.  We'll see how my body heals over night.  Get lit, be fit, stay strong!

-Dale L. Roberts
One Jacked Monkey
You should consult a qualified medical professional before starting this or any other health & fitness program.  As with any exercise or diet program, if at any time you experience any discomfort, pain or duress of any sort, stop immediately and consult your physician.  The creators, producers, participants, advertisers and distributors of this program disclaim any liabilities or losses in connection with the exercises or advice herein.  Any equipment or workout area that is used should be thoroughly inspected as free of danger, flaw or compromise, ahead of use and the user assumes all responsibility when performing any movements contained in this blog.

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