Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 20: Secondary Pull Day

Today, I felt leagues better and though it's Thanksgiving, I felt the best way to experience a wonderful holiday was to spend time with my wife and workout.  Woo!  Loving life, man!

My priority training today was leg heavy and I primarily focused on hitting my hamstrings and calves.  Boy was I successful because I walked home like a new-born giraffe.

After my workout, I hit the cable equipment (see picture inset).  My theory is this:  Duplicate the same motion with half the weight of my body for the same reps I expect to crank out on my pull ups.  So, this is how it looks:

Exercise:  Cable Pulldowns
Equipment:  Dual cable pin select with the bar attachment
-Come to a seated position on the ground, gripping the bar with arms shoulder-width apart.  Pull down the bar to the chest and slowly let it come back to full arm extension overhead.
Sets:  3
Reps:  1st set - 34, 2nd set - 33, 3rd set - 33
2 minutes rest between sets
Total reps:  100

Man, I was feeling swollen.  Also, watch the above video for a detailed explanation of 100 days to 100 pull ups.  Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and this blogspot.

-Dale L. Roberts
One Jacked Monkey

You should consult a qualified medical professional before starting this or any other health & fitness program.  As with any exercise or diet program, if at any time you experience any discomfort, pain or duress of any sort, stop immediately and consult your physician.  The creators, producers, participants, advertisers and distributors of this program disclaim any liabilities or losses in connection with the exercises or advice herein.  Any equipment or workout area that is used should be thoroughly inspected as free of danger, flaw or compromise, ahead of use and the user assumes all responsibility when performing any movements contained in this blog.

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