Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 4: Priority Day

I threw back a sample pack of GAT's Nitroflex (or something like that) Blue Raspberry.  Admittedly, I have been a strict fan of Advocare over the past couple of years, but have found my eyes wandering around to find some other alternatives that may change up my workouts.  Some products have been worthy, others...not so much.  This one has a questionable taste, but I felt the tingles within minutes of drinking it.  Now, it's time to go hit this shit!  Priority day (night, technically 'cause it's 9:30pm)...

My main focus today was a quick hit-and-split with the obvious priority on just pull ups.  I really try to avoid getting so swept up in accomplishing the goal of 100 pull ups in 100 days.  A fine line between focused and obsessed.  One can be healthy and the other consuming.  I'd rather get to my goal safely and on time versus never and injured.  The next 3 days I'm going to focus a little more lightly on some isometric holds with varied resistances.  Stay tuned over the next few days.

Warm-up:  Treadmill - 3.5mph @ 5.0% incline for 10 minutes
Mid-grip (angled in)
30 minutes with 2 minutes rest between each attempt
Total reps:  108

I started out with 12 reps on my first 2 attempts.  After that it was a handful of 8s and then finished out with 6s.  I found a couple of times my natural tendency to want to kip up (using the lower body for an upward thrust that gives some momentum), but I made a conscious choice to kick back the number of reps I was performing per attempt.

The pre-workout drink was ok, I really didn't notice much effects at all.  After the workout I threw back a whey shake, post-workout (by GAT, too) and prepped a vegan burger with fresh kale as a wrap.  Time to relax a little and call it a night.  See you tomorrow!

-Dale L. Roberts
One Jacked Monkey

You should consult a qualified medical professional before starting this or any other health & fitness program.  As with any exercise or diet program, if at any time you experience any discomfort, pain or duress of any sort, stop immediately and consult your physician.  The creators, producers, participants, advertisers and distributors of this program disclaim any liabilities or losses in connection with the exercises or advice herein.  Any equipment or workout area that is used should be thoroughly inspected as free of danger, flaw or compromise, ahead of use and the user assumes all responsibility when performing any movements contained in this blog.

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