Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 85 - 88: Train Hard on Pulls Every Other Day

By Dale L Roberts (One Jacked Monkey, LLC)
February 3, 2015

Hey, just popping in ever so briefly to catch up.  I've still kept on track with pull up training every other day.  The two workouts I enjoy most are:

50 pull ups workout
15 straight on the first attempt
10 straight on the second attempt
15 straight on the third attempt
10 straight on the fourth attempt
I rest roughly 1 minute between sets
50 pull ups workout
10 straight on the first attempt
5 straight every attempt after
Very little rest between sets.  I took about 3 slow and deep breathes, then jumped right back into it.

My challenge days are coming to a close.  On my last day, I will give my best effort.  The whole training approach changed when I could honestly evaluate how well I was performing each pull up.  I like to stick the hang clean style, using zero momentum from my body and pulling all with the back and a little with the arms.

My form should be:

  1. Shoulder blades pulled back at all times
  2. Elbows pointed out to the sides of the body and not forward (as this is closer to a chin up and requires less back power)
  3. Grip just shoulder-width apart on the bar
  4. Pull all the way up till the chest meets the bar
  5. Go down and come up with equal pacing
Catch up with me again soon.  I should have a video post rather soon, however, I have been tied up re-writing/editing my first publication "The 3 Keys to Health & Happiness:  Unlock Your Greater Life" (first version available here).  Stay tuned.

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